Radio Astrophysics Research

The Radio Astrophysics Research Group at NARIT investigates the life cycles of stars and galaxies through both observational and theoretical approaches. In terms of observations, we primarily use radio telescopes, including single-dish and Very-Long-Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) techniques, to address a wide range of research objectives in global collaborations. These observations also serve as the foundation for multi-wavelength studies, particularly in conjunction with optical/infrared facilities, which are crucial in the multi-messenger era.

These efforts have provided a solid foundation for advancing a national flagship project at NARIT, the Thai National Radio Astronomy Observatory (TNRO). This includes the launch of science operations for the 40-meter Thai National Radio Telescope (TNRT) and the 13-meter VLBI Global Observing System (VGOS) radio station. The key scientific goals achievable with the 40-meter TNRT, and the potential for future collaborations within the VLBI framework, were outlined in a white paper published on arXiv (astro-ph): Jaroenjittichai, Sugiyama, Kramer, Soonthornthum, et al. (2022, arXiv:2210.04926).

Furthermore, the 2nd Call for Proposals (CfP) for the 40-meter TNRT as Cycle 1 was officially announced on December 17, 2024 (, thanks to the collaborative efforts of the TNRO project team. These advancements will form a strong foundation for establishing regional VLBI networks over the next five years, including the Thai National VLBI Array (TVA) and the South-East Asia VLBI Network, in collaboration with Indonesia, Malaysia, and Vietnam.


Research Study Guideline


Star formation

Early evolutionary phase of high-mass star formation with a probe MASER and thermal molecular line emissions 

Constructing 3-dimensional theoretical models to explain the maser pumping scheme and the mechanism of characteristic flux variability and of characteristic magnetic-field behavior.


Pulsar and evolved stars

Magnetospheric switching in intermittent and moding pulsars, and revealing the mode and profiles of radio pulsars

Polarization study of SiO maser emission with 3-dimensional polarization simulation

Accurate measurements of evolved star distances based on the MASER shell phase-lag method


Structures of the Milky Way Galaxy

Determining astronomical source distances in the Galaxy

Research of the Eurasian and Sunda tectonic plates

Research Team



The 40-m Thai National Radio Telescope


The 13-m VGOS (VLBI Global Observing System) radio telescope, Chiang Mai



East Asia VLBI Network (EAVN)