In the 21st century, humanity has entered an era where space is no longer out of reach. Curiosity about the world and the universe has propelled astronomy to make leaps and bounds in development. Many countries have invested substantial budgets to invent equipment and develop innovations to delve deeper into the cosmos and understand the physical properties of distant celestial objects. It is no surprise that we hear about the construction of giant telescopes in various corners of the world and beyond, including radio telescopes, satellites, and spacecraft capable of exploring beneath the surfaces of planets, along with many other cutting-edge projects.
The reason many countries support astronomical research to such an extent is because they recognize that only ‘difficult’ challenges can drive significant development.
NARIT has thus developed “astronomical infrastructure,” a crucial tool that supports education, research, and the development of advanced technology, as well as the transfer of astronomical knowledge. This infrastructure is used to develop people and the nation. The current infrastructure includes the following